Thai Mango Sticky Rice

Serves 4


  • In a bowl, wash rice well in several changes of cold water until the water is clear. Drain rice well in a sieve. Set sieve over a large deep saucepan of simmering water (sieve should not touch water) and steam rice, covered with a kitchen towel and a lid, 25 to 30 minutes, or until tender (check water level in pan occasionally, adding more water if necessary).
  • While rice is cooking, in a small saucepan bring 1 cup coconut milk to a boil with â…“ cup sugar and ¼ teaspoon salt, stirring until sugar is dissolved, and remove from heat. Keep the mixture warm.
  • Transfer cooked rice to a bowl and stir in coconut-milk mixture. Let rice stand until coconut-milk mixture is absorbed, about 15 mins. Rice may be prepared up to this point 2 hours ahead and kept covered at room temperature.
  • While rice is standing, in a clean small pan slowly boil remaining â…“ cup coconut milk with remaining 3 tablespoons sugar, stirring occasionally, 1 minute. Transfer sauce to a small bowl and chill until cool and thickened slightly.
  • To serve, mold ¼ cup servings of sticky rice on dessert plates. Drizzle desserts with sauce and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Divide mango slices among plates.

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